Brother Moran has a long, active history with Gamma-Rho Chapter. Initiated
in 1992, Brother Moran went to work for the fraternity and hasn’t stopped
since. As an active, his involvement included serving terms as Social Chair,
Neighborhood Relations Chair, Grand Master of Ceremonies, and Rush Chairman.
Patty Mac also served as Vice-President for Public Relations, Inter-Fraternity
After graduating with a B.A. in ’97, he was off to attend Law School at
the University of Wyoming. While working towards his JD (received in 2000), he
still found time to help out the fraternity by serving as an Alumnus Advisor for
Delta-Gamma Chapter of Kappa Sigma.
Brother Moran returned to Tucson in 2000 and started a three-year stint
as a Public Defender for the city. He now is the owner of his own firm, the Law
Offices of Patrick Alan Moran.
He has continued to serve Gamma-Rho as an Assistant Alumnus Advisor
and Alumnus Advisor from 2000 through 2009, and upon our return to campus
he stepped up as our Assistant Alumni Advisor overseeing the Grand Procurator.
And when not advising undergrads in the fraternal capacity, when boys will
be boys, he has taken a page from Bill Risner ‘62’s book and has been known to
advise them in the legal capacity as well.
He and his wife, Jolena, have a five-year-old daughter, Keely.