John Mattison, better known as “Scooter” to his friends, was initiated into Gamma-Rho in the spring of 1966. Scooter attended the University of Arizona and graduated in 1970 with a B.A. in Marketing Management. He also attended the Thunderbird Graduate School for International Management and graduated with a B.I.M.
Looking back to his undergraduate days with John, Dave Stallings ’67 reminisced, “Scooter was always Mr. Socialable, always fun to have at any gathering. He almost made the high dive team in Guaymas one spring break but came to his senses before making the plunge. In addition, he was a great asset to the house, working long hours in the kitchen as head hasher. He and the cook, Steve Krug, managed to get some of the best stallion steaks in Tucson, the star dusters never knew!”
Malcolm Mathes ’67 had this to say about his friend Scooter, “The memory I have about Scooter was how he pulled one over on my pledge class on one of our trips to California. Let’s just say that we lost him and somehow he found his way back to Tucson.”
Brother Mattison has worked for the University of Arizona Planning Department as Coordinator. He has also worked for Carter-Wallace as a Sales Rep., Smith Novelty Co. in Operations, E.J. Bartells Co. as a Sales Rep., and AP Green Industries as Senior Sales Rep. Scooter currently works for Harbison-Walker Refractories as their Senior Sales Representative.
Scooter is married to Cecilie and they have two children: Lindsey (32) and Annie (28). When asked what Gamma-Rho and Kappa Sigma mean to him, Scooter had this to say, “It gave me a sense of belonging, pride, brotherhood, and some great long-lasting friendships.”